Looking for real results?
Jim Stoppani’s tried, tested, proven and supported post workout supplement Post Jym, uses real science, with real ingredients, at real dosages for REAL results.
- Increase Recovery
- Enhance Performance
- Reduce Fatigue
Combining 6 core ingredients designed to work synergistically in optimising muscle recovery, enhancing energy restoration and even reducing perceived pain, Post Jym is truly an all in one post workout supplement.
When combined with Pre Jym and Pro Jym, the 3 P's of Jym Supplements is where real science meets real world results.

Core Ingredients
Branched Chain Amino Acids make up a large proportion of muscle tissue and have been linked to enhancing muscle recovery post workout due to their affinity to enhancing protein synthesis maximally. This means the muscle used recovers faster and allows you to keep returning to the gym with more intensity.
As the most abundant amino acid in the body, supplementing with Glutamine post workout enhances gut health, strengthens the immune system and supports muscle repair and recovery while also supporting hormonal health through growth hormone regulation.
Creatine HCL
Creatine is perhaps one of the most tried, tested and proven ergogenic aids on the market and will enhance recovery, improve muscle size and increase strength and power when supplemented frequently.
Beta Alanine
Beta Alanine is the rate limiting amino acid of the dipeptide Carnosine and when supplemented helps enhance intramuscular Carnosine levels, which supports muscle recovery but also helps clear lactic acid for improved performance long term as well as faster recovery short term.
Supplementing with LCLT has been shown to reduce perceived pain post workout, may aid in supporting an increase in the use of fatty acids for energy preferentially during exercises and supports the effects of hormones due to its ability to increase androgen receptor sensitivity.
Supplementing with Betaine regularly has been shown to reduce cellular inflammation, enhance heart health and increases strength and power output as well.
Final Thoughts
Post Jym is a clinically researched and dosed post workout supplement designed to replenish physiological energy stores while simultaneously improving recovery for the post workout phase.