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What You Need To Know About Creatine

Creatine is one of the most renowned products available for people looking to invest in sports nutrition supplements. It is mainly utilised by athletes and individuals who partake in heavy lifting and other high intensity exercises. It has a great safety profile and is one of the most scientifically tested supplements on the market.

How does creatine work?

Creatine is a naturally occurring, energy yielding, organic acid that is synthesised naturally in the body using the amino acids Arginine and Glycine. The main area that creatine synthesis occurs is in the liver, but there is also noted production in the kidneys and the pancreas.

Naturally creatine can be supplemented through a diet that includes animal based foods, most prevalently meat and fish. Creatine is known as an energy supplying acid, providing the fuel required for peak muscular performance during maximum intensity exercise. It has been shown to increase strength, power output and overall exercise performance.

How does creatine work?

During any exercise exertion, the human body relies on 3 energy systems in order for it to function effectively.

These are known as:

ATP-PC (Adenosine Triphosphate Phosphocreatine)


Aerobic Oxidative

The great thing about Creatine is it is the sole energy providing fuel in the ATP-PC system, whereby it helps the body create and utilise its preferred fuel source for maximum intensity, short duration exercise.

When exercising, for muscle contraction to occur, the body relies on a fuel source known as Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). Without ATP, muscle contraction is impossible and therefore the ability of the muscle to perform is also reduced.

So, where does Creatine come in?

During any power or strength based exercise where maximal effort is required for a very short period of time (less than 12 seconds), the body relies solely on ATP production. Submaximal performance (glycolytic) done repeatedly, for up to 2-3 minutes, can also utilise carbohydrates for energy. Finally, long-term moderate exercise (Aerobic Oxidative) uses the same 2 fuel sources but also has the potential to burn fat for fuel as well.

What are creatine's benefits?

By utilising a Creatine supplement, you can maximise the stores of fuel in the muscle for short powerful bursts of energy above what you otherwise could do naturally. Our body stores energy in phosphate groups that form into phosphocreatine. When we supplement creatine production, the body's overall pool of cellular phosphocreatine increases. This increased cellular phosphocreatine can accelerate the recycling of ADP and ATP, creating more energy for better performance during high-intensity exercise. This means lifting more weight, sprinting faster, performing better and, in the end, getting better results.

Creatine is also involved in cell signalling, which aids in the recovery of muscle and the subsequent growth of muscles. With its use in conjunction with exercises having the potential benefits for the building of mass. This can make creatine powder a great way to provide a boost when working out to reach your body goals.

Which creatine is best for me?

Firstly it is important to remember that creatine powder only works well in conjunction with the correct exercise and correct water intake. Creatine’s benefits are best experienced when you are already working to reach your body goals. Creatine powder contains no calories and does not affect your metabolism, meaning it will have no effect if used without exercise. Hence, the more that you push in the gym, the more you will see the effects of creatine as you continue to smash your personal bests. It is also important to make sure you are consuming enough water. Creatine pulls water into the muscle cells, increasing water retention, helping to achieve that swole look. Without adequate hydration, the cells will not get enough water to achieve the best results.

When it comes to creatine powders, there are a multitude of options on the market. When considering the creatine powder you want, you should look for what will work well with your diet and exercise regime. At Nutrition Warehouse we offer some of Australia's best creatine powders, with each providing a variety of unique benefits. For the ultimate in monohydrate creatine, 100% Pure Creatine by Genetix Nutrition Essentials offers everything you need to support muscle growth and recovery. Creatine X8 by Max’s Lab offers the best of a micronized creatine powder, with all the benefits in a fast and sustained release formula. There are also creatine powders that can offer additional boosts throughout your fitness journey. Charged Creatine by Rule 1 Protein has an electrolyte blend for sustained hydration. While Sip’N Burn by Maxine’s has the benefit of added vitamins to assist with vitality post workout. If you have dietary requirements there are also creatine powders suited to helping you reach your body goals. If other creatine powders feel harsh on your stomach, Creatine Monohydrate by ATP Science offers an alternative that is free from common irritants like gluten, sugars and GMO.


How do I know creatine is for me?

Creatine powder is for anyone who is looking to enhance his or her performance in the gym, on the field or on the court. When taken daily, Creatine makes you stronger, faster and more powerful.

What are the types of creatine available to buy?

When it comes to creatine, you may find different products touting different formulas of creatine. Most products on the market will include creatine monohydrate. Creatine monohydrate is the most researched form of creatine, making it the one that is most proven to get the baseline results that you expect from your creatineCreapure is very similar to creatine monohydrate but offers a product that is nearly purely creatine. Other products may include more modern formulations of creatine like creatine ethyl ester. Creatine ethyl ester was designed to provide a more stable and efficient creatine that would require small amounts of water. This creatine, however, is also less bio available and the limited studies on it note more of the waste product creatinine is created and sent through the bloodstream. Creatine hydrochloride is said to work in a similar way to creatine ethyl ester. It too offers a faster absorption with the combination of the creatine molecule and a hydrochloride molecule. This means you have to hydrate yourself less, reducing bloating and fluid retention. Another creatine designed for better delivery is creatine magnesium chelate. The formula of creatine magnesium chelate is designed so the most creatine is delivered to muscle cells because it can avoid being broken down by stomach acid.

What are the differences between monohydrate v micronized creatine?

Creatine monohydrate and micronized are the two forms of creatine you will see the most discussion about. Monohydrate creatine is your most popular creatine. It is most researched and is the standard for anyone interested in creatine. Micronized creatine means that the powder is smaller and thinner. This may be the preferred choice for anyone who doesn’t enjoy thicker protein shakes.

Where can I find the top creatine powders in Australia?

At Nutrition Warehouse, we offer some of the best brands in creatine! To find the brands that people like you have fallen in love with, check out our top 10 selling creatine powders.


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