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What You Need To Know About The Man Shake

The Man Shake was created to help millions of Australian blokes to lose weight without losing the beer. The mission of The Man Shake is to help everyday people to feel great and be the best version of themselves. When it comes down to losing weight, it can be challenging to create a good habit as life gets in the way. The Man Shake is a healthy meal in a shake, so you add to your lifestyle without giving up on the foods you love and still get the results.

Adam MacDougall, a retired rugby league player, is the founder of The Man Shake. He created this product as he found himself not training hard or preparing his meals like before. His friends started asking him what the secret was to lose the beer gut without losing the beers! So, he decided to design a shake that would taste great but also would help people to lose the beer gut. Something easy that you could add to your daily routine without overthinking.  

The Man Shake is simple and easy to follow. No thinking is required or crazy diets. The man Shake is for the everyday man. The Man Shake is a meal replacement shake containing everything the body needs, including whey protein, fibre from superfoods including flaxseed, chia seeds and psyllium husk and low GI carbohydrate from sweet potato.


What’s in The Man Shake?

The Man Shake ingredients are Protein Blend (Milk Protein Isolate, Whey Protein Isolate), Fibresol-2 Soluble Maize Fibre, Thickeners (Maize Starch, Xanthan Gum, Guar Gum), Coffee (6.796)^, Cocoa* (6.5%), Medium Chain Triglycerides, Sweet Potato Flour, Minerals (Calcium Phosphate, Magnesium Oxide, Ferric Phyrophophate, Zinc, Sulphate, Potassium lodine), Vitamins (C, B3, E, B2, B6, B1, A, Folate, B12, D). Flavours, Flaxseed, Psyllium Husk, Probiotics (Lactobacillus Acidophilus, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium Lactis, Bacillus Coagulans), Chia, Beetroot Powder**, Sweetener (Sucralose), Green Tea Extract, Soy Lecithin, Sodium Selenite***. * Chocolate Flavour Only, ^ Coffee Flavour Only, ** Strawberry Flavour Only, ***Choc Mint Flavour Only

Is The Man Shake safe?

The Man Shake is safe to be consumed. This product has been tested and approved as a food source and is also a dietician formulated for healthy and sustainable weight loss. However, you should check with your healthcare professional if you are taking any medication or have any health issues to ensure the product is right for you.

Do I need to follow The Man Shake meal plan?

It’s recommended that you follow The Man Shake program for better results. The program is a dietician-designed program to ensure you are staying on track with your goals and eating the right foods at the right time. Plus, this will ensure you are eating enough food. Many people think starving themselves will boost weight loss, but this slows down your metabolism and makes losing weight even harder.

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