
Whey Protein - Fuel Your Muscle Gains

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Whey Protein - Fuel Your Muscle Gains

Reading time - 8 mins

Whey! You've seen it labelled on all your favourite protein powders, but what actually is it? How do we get whey and why is it such an important ingredient? Well, it all starts with a nice glass of milk. Milk is at the core of many formulas that you love and trust to help you fuel your gains. During an enzymatic reaction, the whey within dairy milk is separated from the casein. From here, the whey is purified and then turned into the delicious powder that you load into your shaker cup! 

If you’re new to using protein supplements, you have lots of incredible options. However, we’d like to put one in the spotlight. 100% Lean Whey by Genetix Nutrition. This delicious protein is used by athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike to fuel gains and build lean muscle. 

With the highest-quality ingredients, you don't want to miss out on this delicious protein powder. Since Genetix Nutrition has harnessed the powers of whey, let's take a deep dive into how it makes its way to your pantry. 

30g of protein

3.7g of carbohydrates and 2g is sugar

0.7g of fat

148 calories

100% Lean Whey by Genetix Nutrition

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How Is Whey Created? 

Before we get into the amazing benefits of whey proteins, let’s break down how they actually make their way into your pantry. Sourced from healthy cows, the milk is then pasteurised to get rid of any unwanted bacteria. 

Through the process of making cheese, the whey is separated from the majority of the fats, lactose and casein in an enzymic reaction.

protein powder

Now, we have the solid parts of the milk and the liquid parts. The liquid is the part that contains all the whey goodness that we want. From here, this liquid is turned into powder form through various processes within high-temperature machinery. Good news! We now have the pure form of whey protein powder.  

Here’s the fun part. Your favourite flavours are added, and now we’ve got the delicious protein powders you know and love. Genetix Nutrition uses a unique blend of protein, and essential and non-essential amino acids. They have spent their time cultivating the perfect consistency, flavour and nutritional landscape, so you can enjoy all the amazing benefits in a yummy formula that will have you coming back for seconds.  

What Are the Benefits of Whey Protein? 

drinking protein shake

So why do we actually go through this process? What’s so beneficial about whey? With an amazing range of essential amino acids and an impressive list of nutrients, whey protein does a lot more than just build your muscles. It is fuel for your entire body to function. 

You can get protein from many different sources within your diet, but when you’re trying to reach a specific target, whey protein comes in handy.

Whether you’re trying to gain lean muscle or struggling to reach your desired protein intake, Genetix Nutrition's wide range of proteins can help you achieve these goals. 

The key benefits of whey protein are: 

  • Great source of high-quality protein 
  • Promotes muscle growth 
  • Good source of amino acids and nutrients 
  • Fuel for your entire body 

However, not all whey protein is equal. Make sure you’re getting high-quality formulas and ingredients from brands that pride themselves on producing the best supplements. Genetix Nutrition has spent its time developing a range of high-quality supplements, from whey proteins to mass gainers and pre-workouts. With this extensive experience comes quality. 

How You Can Achieve Your Goals with Whey 

Depending on what you partner it with, whey protein can help you in a few key areas. If you struggle to put on weight and pack on the gains, a protein powder will help you drastically. Whether you’re not getting enough calories or you’re not able to reach your protein intake each day, this is a great way to support your weight increase journey. 

But don’t worry, protein will NOT make you gain weight if you don’t want it to.  

making protein smoothie

If you’re trying to slim down and build lean muscle, whey protein can help you in this area as well. If you’re working hard at the gym and putting your muscles under stress, you need to further support this in the kitchen. Although you’re putting in all this hard work to build muscle, without enough protein, this can actually be counterintuitive. 

Weight Gainer: Critical Mass 

Critical Mass by Genetix Nutrition

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Your muscles need to be fed by something, and if you’re not fuelling it with high-quality protein, your body has nothing to use to recover. So, whey protein will fuel your body so all your hard work at the gym doesn’t go to waste. Genetix Nutrition has formulated a wide range of proteins with your goals in mind. 

Critical Mass is a complete weight gainer delivering:

311 calories

33.5g of protein

36.9g of carbohydrates

Lipo Fyre Protein: Lean and Ripped Protein

Now if you are on the lookout for a protein powder that is lean and super low in carbs and fat, Genetix Lipo Fyre is IT! This protein powder contains a property blend that specifically targets those unwanted areas and ensures you do not get those dreaded hunger cravings. 

31.1g of protein

3.3g of carbohydrates and 2.4g is sugar

1.2g of fat

155 calories

Lipo Fyre by Genetix Nutrition

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